Always, Genevieve & Lucy

So happy you came back to find out more about my journey! Well here it is –  Always, Genevieve & Lucy.  My invitation design business. I will design mostly for Weddings and Baby’s, the two biggest events in one’s life. Every time I see a beautifully designed invitation, I get a creative rush. Kind of like that 5 minute coffee rush I get right after having my morning coffee. All is good and wonderful in the world and all is possible. I love that you can put that feeling on paper.

The inspiration for the name Always, Genevieve & Lucy was that Genevieve and Lucy are the names of my two daughter’s. In fact, I have worked on starting this business for so long that the original name of my company was Dear Genevieve Invitations but I then gave birth to little Lucy 4 years later, thus requiring an obvious name change.

Well, after this long time period, I’m excited to start my invitation designs but plan on offering more than just invitations. I will also offer stationery and other products as well. I have notebooks full of ideas ready and waiting for creation. I even have several ideas already in design phase.

In future posts you will see some of these designs, some from my past and other creative endeavors. I will also lay out my goals so that I can stay on track and you can keep me honest. Till then!

Why Are You Blogging?

Why am I blogging? Good question. Well as my description states: A creative Mom’s journey to her dream. And the everyday stopovers in between. I have had a dream for some time to start my own business. For the past 6 years I have taken baby steps towards this goal. But have encountered many stopovers in between. These are not negative stopovers. These are wonderful parts of my life. However, they have still slowed my journey.

So why am I blogging? I recently ran across a blog that says you should have an Accountability Buddy if you are trying to achieve a goal. Just the fact that you are putting your idea out there to someone gives you the extra push to want to achieve it and not look like you failed. So that is what I am doing here, putting it out there in the blogosphere for all to see. And hoping I don’t fail.

This blog will show my journey to that goal. Not every post you see here will be about starting my business. My journey is not just the steps to my dream but what happens in between those steps. So you will see posts about everything from my daily life, being a mom, being a graphic designer, designs I love, things that inspire me, links to interesting things and whatever else may come.

What is this new business I keep talking about? Read my next post and find out more. I plan on posting 2-3 times a week so please stop by soon! Until then I would love to hear what dreams you have accomplished that perhaps took some time to achieve. I would love some inspiration!